
【教学与交流】缅怀乌尔里希·贝克教授专辑:风险社会与中国&Why class is too soft a category

GZ 治理学术 2022-05-11

  2015年1月1日,世界知名的“风险世界”领域研究专家、德国社会学家、德国慕尼黑大学社会学教授,伦敦政治经济学院英国社会学杂志百年访问教授乌尔里希·贝克(Ulrich Beck)因突发心肌梗塞逝世,享年70岁。社会科学界失去了一位世界重量级优秀学者!本平台特此发布乌尔里希·贝克老师最近个人出版的英文论文、他曾与邓正来老师共同合作过的中文论文各一篇(当时本人都曾见证现场),作为专辑,以此缅怀乌尔里希·贝克老师,祝一路走好!






贝克 邓正来沈 国麟





  邓正来等:我们很关注的第一个问题是:“(世界) 风险社会”的概念虽说在揭示第一现代性的自反性方面有着独特的意义,但是为什么这个概念对于理解21 世纪初社会和政治的动力和转型有如此关键的重要性?
我的世界风险社会理论所提出的议题:对人为未来(man-made futures)
认知、生存条件和制度的? 洞见到未来不可逆转的开放性以及理性化
然造成混乱或灾难。更确切地说,不可计算的不确定性( incalculable
我想追问的是:全球风险是否也具有一种启蒙的功能( enlightenment



Why ‘class’ is too soft a category to capture the
explosiveness of social inequality at the beginning
of the twenty-first century

Ulrich Beck

Article first publishedonline: 12 MAR 2013

© London School of Economics and Political Science 2013 ISSN 0007-1315 print/1468-4446 online. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12005

We can distinguish four positions on the continuing, or maybe even increasing, relevance of the category of class at the beginning of the twenty-first century depending on the extent to which they accord central importance to (1) the reproduction or (2) the transformation of social classes with regard to (3) the distribution of goods without bads or (4) the distribution of goods and bads. One could say that Dean Curran introduces the concept of ‘risk-class’ to radicalize the class distribution of risk and charts who will able to occupy areas less exposed to risk and who will have little choice but to occupy areas that are exposed to the brunt of the fact of the risk society.As he mentioned it is important to note that this social structuring of the distribution of bads will be affected not only by class, but also by other forms of social structuration of disadvantage, such as gender and race. In order to demonstrate that the distribution of bads is currently exacerbating class differences in life chances, however, Curran concentrates exclusively on phenomena of individual risks. In the process, he overlooks the problem of systemic risks in relation of the state, science, new corporate roles, management the mass media, law, mobile capital and social movements; at the same time, his conceptual frame of reference does not really thematize the interdependence
between individual and systemic risks.Those who reduce the problematic of risk to that of the life chances of individuals are unable to grasp the conflicting social and political logics of risk and class conflicts. Or, to put it pointedly: ‘class’ is too soft a category to capture the explosiveness of social inequality in world risk society.
Keywords: Logic of class conflict; logic of risk conflict; social inequality;
world risk society

In his article, ‘Risk Society and the Distribution of Bads’ (Curran 2013), Dean Curran argues, ‘that Beck’s theory of the risk society contains the basis of a critical theory of class relations in the risk society’. He tries to show ‘how notit can be used to reveal how class antagonisms and associated wealth differentials will gain even greater importance as risks continue to grow’ (2013: 46). This is undoubtedly an important step which is apt to make the sociology of class, whose self-understanding is rooted in the experiences of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, receptive to the new realities at the beginning of the twenty-first century. For, today one often observes a general avoidance reflex among social scientists in the face of a global situation whose upheavals overtax the familiar instruments of theory, firmly established expectations of social change and the classical means of politics. Moreover, this avoidance
reflex ensures that the social sciences are irrelevant for contemporary public debates (Burawoy 2005).

What I mean by this becomes abundantly clear when one thinks of the major risk events of recent decades – Chernobyl, 9/11, climate change, the financialm crisis, Fukushima, the euro crisis. Three features are common to them all. (1) Because they give rise to a dramatic radicalization of social inequality both inter-nationally and intra-nationally, they cannot continue to be conceptualized in terms of the established empirical-analytical conceptual instrumentarium of class analysis as ‘class conflicts in the class society’. By contrast, they indeed vary the narrative of discontinuity as contained in the theory of the world risk society. (2) Before they actually occurred, they were inconceivable. (3) They are global in character and in their consequences and render the progressive networking of spaces of action and environments tangible. These ‘cosmopolitan events’ were not only not envisaged in the paradigm of the reproduction of the social and political (class) system, but they fall outside of
this frame of reference in principle and as a result place it in question.


  • Ulrich Beck (2013). Why ‘class’ is too soft a category to capture the explosiveness of social inequality at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The British Journal of Sociology.Volume 64, Issue 1, pages 63–74, March 2013.


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